Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

Italy’s Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio has sharply condemned the Russian Navy’s blockade of Ukrainian ports. Moscow is currently preventing Ukraine from disembarking grain that is badly needed in many parts of the world. “Blocking the wheat means taking millions of children, women and men hostage and condemning them to death”, Di Maio said Wednesday at a conference on food security in the wake of the Ukraine war. In addition to the countries bordering the Mediterranean region, Germany also took part in the online meeting as G7 chairman.

Di Maio expressed the hope that, with Turkey’s mediation, an end to the blockade in the Black Sea could be negotiated and that many countries, including those in Africa, could be supplied with wheat and other grains again. “We expect clear and concrete signals from Russia,” the minister said at a press conference in Rome along with Qu Dongyu, director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Qu Dongyu once again warned of the dramatic effects of the war in Ukraine, which was preceded by the corona pandemic as another global crisis. The world’s food chains are badly weakened or very endangered. The Chinese said: “We must see the crisis as a new wake-up call.” Among other things, the FAO calls on states, corporations and organizations to change the cultivation, production and distribution of food so that people can get food more safely and local producers and farmers are strengthened.

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