Russia Threatens Elon Musk’s Satellites

A Russian diplomat has stated that Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites are working against them in the situation in Ukraine and thus could become a legitimate target for retaliation.

The boss of Tesla and SpaceX, famous billionaire Elon Musk, who marked 2022 with the purchase of Twitter, It may have become the target of Russia. The satellites that Elon Musk has sent into space for many reasons seem to have disturbed Russia.

A few years ago, Elon Musk sent a series of Starlink satellites into space. A diplomat from the Russian government said in a statement that these satellites that they may perceive as a threat stated. Let’s take a look at the details of the statement together.

‘Civilian satellites could become a legitimate target for retaliation’

In a statement made by Russian diplomat Konstantin Vorontosov on September 12, referring to Starlink, which provides broadband access in Ukraine. It is stated that civilian satellites can be legitimate military targets. The full description is as follows:

“We would like to highlight an extremely dangerous trend that goes beyond the harmless use of outer space technologies and became evident during the events in Ukraine. That is, the use of civilian elements, including commercial and infrastructure, in outer space for military purposes by the United States and its allies. Our colleagues seem to be unaware that such actions actually constitute indirect participation in military conflicts. The quasi-civilian infrastructure could become a legitimate target for retaliation.”

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The Russian official said in a statement to the open-ended working group of the United Nations on reducing space threats that civilian satellites “could become a legitimate target for retaliation” states. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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