Method to Detect Alzheimer’s Even Before Symptoms

Scientists have revealed that Alzheimer’s can be detected early through a microRNA molecule. The method enables identification of the disease even before its symptoms appear.

Alzheimer’s, is undoubtedly one of the most common and dangerous diseases today. Unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment yet. Therefore, early diagnosis is of great importance. A new study conducted by researchers in Spain offers a method that can be really useful in this regard.

Researchers from the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia in Barcelona have discovered a brand new biomarker. This discovered biomarker is more likely to cause Alzheimer’s disease. can show the disease before symptoms even appear was expressed. The findings were published via Biochimica et Biophysia Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease.

A microRNA molecule accessible from body fluids appears at high levels in the very early stages of Alzheimer’s

The biomarker in question is miR-519a-3p A molecule called microRNA. The team thinks this could provide a vital early warning system for Alzheimer’s. According to the study, this molecule may appear at higher levels in Alzheimer’s patients.

Molecule, PrPC associated with cellular prion protein, also known as The level of this protein, which is known to be higher in the body in the early stages of Alzheimer’s decreases as you progress. Experts were able to reach these results through brain tissue and chemical tests taken from deceased Alzheimer’s patients. High levels of miR-519a-3p were observed in the tissue in the early stages of the disease.

miR-519a-3p, Alzheimer’s be detected at very early levels and palliative treatments begin to be applied. can provide. At the same time, scientists believe that the disease take a closer look at how it develops will also allow. Neuroscientist Jose Antonio Rio said about his discoveries, “Currently, tests to diagnose Alzheimer’s are usually performed after the onset of symptoms. “This microRNA detection has the potential to help establish additional criteria in the very early stages of the disease.” He uses the expressions.

MicroRNAs, such as miR-519a-3p, are called RNA molecules that we can define as genetic materials that help cells manage protein production. They tend to be stable in the body and They can be detected in body fluids. This makes them a very useful biomarker for warning of disease, measuring response to treatments, and understanding general health status.

There is no definitive evidence yet that this molecule can be an early warning for Alzheimer’s. However, there is strong data that it could happen. More research will provide more definitive information on whether it can actually be used. The next step will be to validate the molecule in blood samples from different groups. If it is successful, we may see it used in the clinical diagnosis of the disease.


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