Research: Prostate Cancer Cases May Double!

A new study has revealed that prostate cancer may be seen in 2.9 million people by 2040 due to the increasing elderly population. He also estimated that deaths from this disease could increase by 85%.

seen among men prostate cancerIt is described as one of the most common diseases. Although treatment methods have improved, the number of fatal cases is not small. A report recently published by The Lancet reveals that this situation may get worse.

According to the report, prostate cancer is currently the world’s Most common cancer among men in 112 countries in position. In other words, it constitutes 15% of cancers seen in men in the world. According to the data, this rate has the potential to grow much more.

The number of people with prostate cancer could rise to 2.9 million by 2040

Experts predict that the number of people with prostate cancer will increase worldwide by 2040. up to 2.9 million may rise. in 2020 1.4 million Let us state that there is a person with prostate cancer. This means that the number has increased in just 20 years. can double is showing.

According to the study, which is one of the largest studies on the subject so far, an increase in the number of deaths may also occur with this increase. Estimates are that deaths from prostate cancer could increase by 85%. This is until 2040 700,000 deaths It means it could happen. In 2020, 375 thousand deaths were recorded.


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The main reason behind this possibility of increase is the increase in population and life expectancy. Prostate cancer cases were already on the rise. worldwide increasing number of aging men It also reveals that the number of cases and deaths may rise.

The main factors in prostate cancer include things like being over 50 or having a family history of the disease. So it is not very easy to prevent it. Experts also say that it is difficult to prevent it with interventions such as lifestyle changes.

Action must be taken now to reduce deaths

However, they also emphasize that it is very important to reduce deaths and prevent them from reaching advanced levels. About prostate cancer symptoms raising greater awareness and education, early diagnosis, improvements in treatments, providing access to testing Factors such as these can prevent deaths while reducing the burden of the disease.

Professor Nick James from the Institute of Cancer Research in London also said, “We know this inevitable increase in cases is coming. For this reason Take action and plan now We must start. “Methods such as early diagnosis and education programs can play a major role in saving lives and reducing problems related to prostate cancer.” says.

Symptoms of prostate cancer, one of the most common cancer types in Turkey: frequent urination, slow or weak urine flow, blood in the urine or semen, back or bone pain, weight loss, pain during ejaculation, burning or painful sensation when urinating, feeling that the bladder is not fully emptied It includes things like. Of course, these symptoms do not always mean that you have prostate cancer. For this reason, seeing a doctor directly will ensure that you get the most guaranteed result.

For detailed information about prostate cancer:


What is the reason why so many men get prostate cancer? Especially If He’s Over 40!

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