Renault factory shaken by theft!

In the last few years, supply chain issues have paralyzed the automotive industry. Many automakers are complaining about critical parts shortages that are causing production delays. However, according to the latest news, Renault is left alone with a different problem.

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According to the Spanish publication Periodismo del Motor, a major theft occurred at the French automaker’s production facility in Valladolid, Spain. According to the information received, it is stated that the brand has lost hundreds of thousands of euros as a result of the theft that has been going on for more than a year.

It turned out that the culprits in this theft case at Renault’s factory in Spain were the employees of the company. Incoming reports indicate that a Renault delivery employee was in contact with a representative of another transport company. In addition to these two people, it is among the information that a few other employees of Renault also took part in the theft.

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It is stated that the thefts carried out jointly by Renault employees and an external transport company have been going on for a long time. We can say that the involvement of Renault factory employees in this theft delayed the detection of the incident considerably.

This incident comes to light when the head of the transport company and Renault’s Head of Security found that there was a problem with the parts sent to the Valladolid factory and filed a complaint. Theft is detected by examining the security cameras on the research.

The footage captured by the security cameras shows the employees clearly stealing the pieces. In this process, in addition to the 3 suspects, three more people from the factory, who were found to be helping them, are arrested. As the investigation continues, it is among the information that the numbers of arrests may increase.

Renault refurbished vehicle

The shipping company reported that three containers full of catalysts were stolen, most recently scheduled to be picked up by the Valladolid factory but mysteriously disappeared. Renault also announced a theft in 2021 that could not be detected by security cameras. It is stated that the French manufacturer has lost approximately 600 thousand euros due to these thefts.

Renault, on top of the current supply problems, seems to have experienced significant problems in production due to this theft. So what do you think about this theft by Renault factory workers? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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