Reject Google’s objection! Penalty confirmed

Competition regulator of the European Union European Commission, 2017 for Google in irregularity investigation had started. The reason for the review was the unethical behavior of the company in its advertising policies. At the end of the process USAA heavy fine was given to the technology giant of Turkey.

However Google, not agreeing to the penalty, appealed the decision. Finally, the commission, which completed its investigations, made its decision on the penalty it gave to the company. According to this USAThe tech giant will have to pay a hefty fine. Here are the details…

General Court upholds $2.8 billion fine

The European Union accused Google of abusing its dominant position and promoting its shopping service more than its competitors in search results. European Commission Commissioner Margrethe VestagerHis statement at that time was as follows;

“Google has come up with many innovative products and services that make a difference in our lives. That’s a good thing, but Google’s comparison shopping service strategy contained many irregularities. Google abused its market dominance by lowering the rankings of its competitors.”

Google found the decision wrong at that time and appealed. The company is located in Luxembourg, the second largest court in Europe. to the General Court objected. The following statement came from Google at that time;

Some shopping sites naturally want Google to display them more prominently. Our data shows that people often prefer links that take them directly to the products they want. We believe that the European Commission underestimates fast and easy online shopping with this decision.

General Court appeal He did not accept and upheld the sentence. The statement made by the court was as follows;

The General Court concludes its analysis by concluding that the amount of the fine imposed on Google needs to be confirmed.

Penalties given by the European Union to Google

Google’s first penalty from the European Union is not limited to this. In 2018, the European Commission charged Google with abusing its market dominance in the Android operating system. $5 billion had been punished. In 2019, Google is again an advertising service. in AdSense for abuse of market dominance. 1.7 billion dollars worth of fines.

What do you think about Google’s advertising policies? Could the company be justified in its defense? Please share your views with us in the comments section.

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