Record fine from the European Union to Intel! Here are the details

Intel, which came to the fore with a record fine in 2009, was deemed justified at the end of the legal process and was saved from paying the fine. European Union antitrust enforcers decided to pay a fine of $400 million for Intel in their new meeting.

Competition fine from the European Union to Intel

In 2009, Intel was fined 1 billion euros for carrying out illegal activities to leave its competitors behind in the processor market. The EU General Court last year annulled the original decision, saying the commission’s analysis of the reductions did not meet legal standards.

The European Union antitrust commission, consisting of 27 countries, announced that Intel excluded its competitors by using discounts and sales restrictions. The company, which is said to have resorted to illegal means to increase its dominance in the global market in x86 architecture, will be held accountable before the law again.

The EU General Court confirmed that the sales restrictions amounted to an abuse of Intel’s dominant position in the market. Unable to decide how to divide the total fine between the two crimes, the commission decided that a new number should be determined.

Making a statement on the issue, the EU observer said, “The lower fine imposed in today’s decision reflects the narrower scope of the violation compared to the 2009 Commission decision.” said. Intel’s European press team did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

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