Reactions to the President’s Statement on Dormitory

Before his departure to the USA, President Erdoğan made important statements at Atatürk Airport and answered questions from the press. In this context, Erdogan, who made remarkable statements about dormitories, is on the agenda of social media.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogangoes to the United States (USA) to attend the 76th General Assembly of the UN. Erdogan, who made important statements at Atatürk Airport before the departure, made statements about the current issues of the country. A notable item in these statements is the subject of the dormitory had happened.

Making statements about the dormitories upon questions from the press, Erdogan has so far been in our country. that they made an investment that no government had made He said, and mentioned the bed capacity of close to 1 million. The aforementioned statements quickly sat on the agenda of social media.

President Erdogan’s statement:

Reactions to President Erdogan’s Statement:

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