Reactions to Influencer That Couldn’t ‘Promote’ Technological Product

Anyone who has a certain number of followers on social media is now advertising; but that doesn’t mean that all of these ads really promote the features of the promoted product. Here’s an influencer claiming to promote a laptop, exactly for this reason, fell into the language of social media today.

When a new technological product comes out, when we are torn between buying it or not, most of us prefer that product with minus and plus. in-depth We refer people. This way, we get to know whether the product meets our needs, whether it’s worth the money, and whether it’s what we need. got a rough idea we will be.

However, social media has evolved into such a different environment today that; about the technology or the product it promotes. without the slightest idea or knowledge People could advertise any product for a certain amount of money just because it appealed to a wider audience. As such, we were exposed to a lot of strange scenes.

What about the one who promotes the criminal product or the one who introduces it?

You all agree that social media, ‘influencer’ It is now managed by multi-follower people who are called (influencer/inspirer) and who give ideas to their followers by influencing them with their posts. From the gamer to the make-up wearer in various fields Content-producing influencers are naturally perfect due to the size of the audience they are addressing. ‘advertisement’ can be a source. Companies that want to promote their products can easily promote their products widely by agreeing with these people.

That’s pretty cool when the person promoting the product knows what they’re talking about. beneficial an approach; however, if the situation is one where the person does not know what they are talking about, the result can be quite deplorable. The real crime here is not actually the influencers who take care of their business after getting their money; The blame here is entirely on companies that allow incompetent people to promote their product in order to advertise it to more people. Just like today an influencer, a laptop the so-called ‘introducing’ as in this video:

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