Psychology of Some Newlyweds Reflected on Social Media

I don’t know if you’re aware, but as social media spread, couples with the theme of baby and baby boy sprang up. These couples, who shared interesting posts even before they got married, want to be even more prominent on social media, thinking that they have achieved great success when they get married. Although we do not know them, we will try to explain the reason for the vanity of these couples, from whom we can have a lot of information about their lives by looking at their profiles, with social psychology.

When you look at such couples, they try to show that they are happy – exaggeratedly – to everyone. the need to prove it You realize they are inside.

These couples tend to be offended if they don’t show their purchases from an expensive brand or a luxury place they’ve been to. Making exaggerated food presentations savory breakfasts they love to travel. Wherever you see them, you will recognize them.

So why do couples like this always share the same type of posts, especially on social media?


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One of the reasons for this situation is social learning We may have gender roles that we learn through According to Albert Bandura ‘social learning’ It is the behavior we acquire by seeing it from others and then repeating it. That is, we observe others and imitate the behavior we see in them.

gender roles

This gender roles If we come to the relationship with; There is a culture in which we were born and raised. growing up; We learn the values ​​of this culture and society by observing and imitating other members of the society, assuming that it is the truth. So what are these gender roles we’ve learned?


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According to gender roles theory There are some roles attributed to men (such as providing for the house) and other roles assigned to women (being a mother, taking care of children).. You may think that women enter the business life -albeit late- and that these roles are broken to some extent, but research shows that women still prefer departments/professions such as nursing, which are often associated with women. In other words, the roles have not changed, but have evolved into a new dimension.

“In the old days” women were housewives, their husbands working outside all day while taking care of their children. So while the woman takes care of everything in the house There was an invisible husband. Now, on social media, some women who have adopted such a life are very active on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, while their husbands have assumed an invisible identity while sharing with their children.

We also get some of our learning on social media.

With the development of social media platforms, there is now a new and more influential community that determines our behavior rather than a physical society and culture. For example, according to this research conducted at Marmara University Faculty of Communication, it was mentioned how the process of undergoing aesthetic surgery became widespread with social media. According to this research, plastic surgeons and estheticians have become more accessible as social media becomes more widespread. In addition, individuals with social media they started to feel aesthetic as a necessity.


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Just as plastic surgery has become widespread, accessible to all segments of the society and felt as a necessity, the lives of these couples with baby and chicken themes are also influenced by some young married couples. felt as a need it could be. It may be thought that he should be.

Gottman’s theory that he is talking about three types of couples who lead a long and happy marriage may be describing the couples in question.

According to Gottman; passionate couples, affirming couples, and conflict avoidant couples There are three types of married couples. Let’s talk about the couple who avoid conflict as it is related to our article. These married couples try to solve the problem by avoiding talking about it. They cannot admit their need for each other. They try to end conflicts by focusing on the strengths of the marriage.

Going back to our young married couples, who are known for their love of luxury, they often over-present. They do their best for everyone to see and hear their presentation. because that’s the strength of their marriage and that life they’re trying to prove on social media it could be.

Sources: DergiPark, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Hacettepe University Institute of Educational Sciences


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