Psychological Reasons for Slave and Master Relationships

The number of people who find themselves slaves and owners through the “slave wanted” advertisements of sado-masochistic individuals is increasing day by day. For some, this has turned into a source of income. They work with tariffs ranging from 150 to 5 thousand TL per hour.

Slave wanted“The individuals we come across in their advertisements take pleasure in being tortured, even for this reason. money they are giving. They also talk about what they can do in their advertisements on online platforms. He’s pretty flexible, from walking lists on a leash to eating poop.

To herself torture Individuals who enjoy being treated or tortured themselves are not new to the psychology literature, but psychology has had a hard time classifying individuals with this personality structure. There were problems about whether these individuals have a personality disorder or not. This is in the DSM-III-R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), that is, in the American Psychiatric Association’s disease classification booklet.sadistic Personality Disorder” and “masochist It was referred to as “Personality Disorder”. The next version of the booklet, DSM-IV, was removed from the booklet due to insufficient observation data. It was added to the Sexual Perversion (Paraphalia) Disorders in DSM-V.

What is Sexual Autonomy (Masochism) Disorder?

manifested as fantasies, impulses, or behaviors over a period of at least six months from being humiliatedfrom being beaten, tied, or otherwise hurt, recurrently, sexual as much arousal.

defined as such in DSM-V. masochism individuals with the disorder slave and they are looking for an owner/owner. With the development of technology, these searches were carried to online platforms with advertisements. These individuals are quite flexible in presenting their list of things they can do. For example, a list of a masochistic slave might include: “To be a maid, to be treated like a dog, to be put on a leash, to be used as a coffee table, to be used as an ashtray for a hospital, drinking urineclean the toilet bowl”

Sexual Assertiveness (Sadism) Disorder

mistress slave

Over a period of at least six months, manifesting as phantasies, urges, or behaviors to another person, either physically or mentally from inflicting painrepetitively, very sexually arousal.

This is how it is defined in DSM-V. to sadism Individuals who have property advertise themselves as owners/owners on online platforms and post “slave wanted” advertisements. The definitions of slaves in the listings in the advertisements range from financial slaves to the slave who can do anything for himself.

3 Psychological Reasons Behind “I’m Looking For Slave” Ads

1. A sense of belonging/connection

Fifty shades of grey

According to the theory developed by John Bowlby and his friends, a person develops his first attachment to his mother between the ages of 0-2. with mom a secure bond The child who cannot establish a relationship has a trust problem in adulthood. While living in fear of being abandoned at any moment, she prefers to stay away from romantic relationships with love and bonds.

2. Wanting to Believe That You Are Strong


Some people seek shelter, while others want to be a safe haven. Individuals who want to be slaves feel strong next to their owners, whom they think are powerful. They feed off of their power. If the owner checkingThe pleasure brought by the power of domination perpetuates this relationship.

3. Believing This Is Love


Children who are loved by being beaten will do this in later life. a way to show your love as they can see.

In general, individuals with these two personality structures find each other like pots and lids and cannot be separated from each other. Even if they break up, they find someone who has the characteristics of their partner, that is, a partner who makes them suffer.

Note: The information given in this article is written to raise awareness, not to diagnose and judge someone. Professional mental health services should be consulted for diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment.

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