Pigs with Organs Suitable for Humans Have Been Raised!

The Japanese have bred the first genetically modified pigs suitable for organ transplantation into humans.

As a worldwide organ donation crisis continues, one of the prominent alternatives is by genetically modifyingThe aim was to raise pigs with organs suitable for humans. Japanese startup PorMedTec announced that, for the first time in history, it has succeeded in growing pigs whose organs are compatible with humans. Like this waiting for organ It was stated that there would be a ray of hope for thousands of people.

Genetically Modified Pig Organs

PorMedTec US biotechnology company eGenesis In the project he developed with M.D., three piglets whose organs were suitable for use in humans were raised. The puppies born on Sunday were born as a result of an intense genetic engineering study for the immune system to reject the organs and foreign organ transfer.

In this project, genetically edited pig cells produced by eGenesis were used using some cell cloning techniques. genetically modified pig embryos was used in its creation. These embryos were then placed in the uterus of the mother pig. As a result, these three kittens were born via cesarean section.

This development is organ donation crisis Taken together, it draws attention to an important breakthrough. Currently, in Japan, where the study was conducted, 16 thousand people are waiting for organs and only 400 organ transplants are performed annually. If in Turkey According to Ministry of Health data Between 2002 and 2023, 74 thousand 704 organ transplants were performed. The number of patients waiting for organ donation in our country was announced as 33 thousand 701 in the same research. xenotransformation It is thought that the new method, based on cell or organ transfer between different species, will bring hope to patients waiting for an organ.


What kind of difficulties do people with animal organ transplants experience?

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