Per Capita National Income Decreased for 7 Years in a Row

The per capita income in Turkey has been declining rapidly in dollar terms since 2014. According to official data, the decrease in national income per capita in 2020 was a first in the history of the Republic. In 2014-2020, national income decreased for 7 consecutive years and returned to 2007 levels.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Oct. Economic Outlook Report published. Turkey, which is one of the 20 largest economies in the world, will be listed in this report in a row in 2021. falling back It will be ranked 21st.

between 2003 and 2013 in Turkey. record high increasing per capita income since 2014 in a row falling. It is similar to the economic declines seen in periods of political events and global crises in our country. for the last 7 years is repeated. According to official data, the national income, which rose to 12 thousand 582 dollars in 2013, decreased to 8 thousand 597 dollars in 2020. A similar decline from World War II observed in the next 4 years.

Expected to increase in 2021:

GDP per capita in 2003 4 thousand 739 It was US dollars. Since then (apart from the global crisis in 2009) fast and stable somehow increasing national income in 2013 $12,582 had risen. However, per capita income in 2014 to decline started. The decline that started 7 years ago continues until today. continuous continued.

At the end of 2020, per capita income fell to 8 thousand 597 dollars. At the point reached by decreasing for 7 years in a row, the per capita income reached in 2020 has reached the 2007 levels. is back. According to estimates, per capita income in 2021 compared to 2020 higher it will be. However, from day to day rising It is not known how the dollar exchange rate will affect this situation.


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Presidential Strategy and Budget Presidency According to the data, since the establishment of the Republic in 1923, the gross domestic product per capita has fallen this long for the first time in a row. The decline of the national product in history is often related to political events. According to reports, political coups After the years 1960, 1971 and 1980, there were 2-3 years of consecutive decreases. The biggest decline to date is II. of World War II in the years 1944-1947. 4 years It was a period of consecutive decline.

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