PC manufacturer Lenovo increases profit by almost two thirds – Qualcomm is pleased with profit and sales forecast

Freenet optimistic for the full year

The wireless operator sees a further recovery in its business. In a full-year comparison, the development of sales was again characterized by lower hardware sales due to the corona-related closings of the shops in the first half of 2021, the company announced. However, a slight recovery is discernible. Got the Sales in the half-year were 2.5 percent below the previous year, after nine months it was only 1.3 percent at 1.88 billion eurost.

Of the Profit (Ebitda) increased by 3.3 percent to 339.9 million euros. The growth is based on higher-quality sales components through profitability-oriented customer growth and on sustainable cost management. Based on the results for the third quarter, freenet now expects Ebitda and free cash flow for the full year to be at the upper end of the previous forecasts.

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