OpenAI crisis and Q* project! Artificial intelligence that threatens humanity – SDN

OpenAI, which developed the ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot, witnessed a major management crisis a few days ago. In this crisis, after CEO Sam Altman was dismissed by the decision of the Board of Directors, the company was in turmoil. Sam Altman returned to his job despite this crisis. However, super artificial intelligence, that is, the general artificial intelligence system, may be behind this crisis. Altman developed a superior artificial intelligence with the Q* project. It is claimed that this artificial intelligence poses a threat to humanity.

Did OpenAI develop artificial intelligence superior to human intelligence with the Q* project?

Allegedly, the OpenAI crisis broke out due to a different discussion than we know. Accordingly, general artificial intelligence technology, also called super artificial intelligence, played the leading role in the crisis between the board of directors and Sam Altman. Sam Altman and his team have been developing this artificial intelligence project, codenamed Q*, for a while. Accordingly, some researchers involved in the Q* project sent a letter to the board of directors.

Although the exact content of the letter is not known, its general outlines have emerged. Accordingly, researchers highlight the danger of artificial intelligence becoming superior to human intelligence. It has also been revealed that researchers think that this level of artificial intelligence is a threat to human security. However, it is reported that the researchers did not explain in the letter why they had security concerns. It is unknown at what stage the project, which takes important steps for artificial intelligence in general, is at.

For OpenAI, artificial general intelligence, or AGI, is defined as autonomous systems that overshadow humans. Let us also remind here that it is not yet known what the Q* project covers. However, it is true that this letter was one of the reasons for the storm that suddenly broke out within OpenAI.

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Artificial general intelligence system is a complex artificial intelligence system that is similar to or superior to humans. Accordingly, these artificial intelligence systems have the ability to obtain new information based on the information presented to them. Ilya Sutskever, who played one of the leading roles in the OpenAI crisis, is of the opinion that artificial intelligence general systems will emerge within ten years.

Can artificial intelligence superior to human intelligence really become a threat to humanity? We are waiting your comments.

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