OpenAI: ChatGPT Crashed Due to Cyber ​​Attack

OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, confirmed the periodic problems experienced in accessing the platform and developer tools yesterday, and said that the cause of these problems was DDoS attacks.

Developed by OpenAI to ChatGPT There have been periodic access problems in the last 24 hours. While some users receive the message that ChatGPT is currently at capacity, some users cannot log in to the application. on the subject from OpenAI An explanation came.

ChatGPT is under DDoS attack

CEO of OpenAI Sam AltmanAt first, he showed the new features of the platform as the cause of this problem. Altman said that there was more demand than expectations for the features introduced at the company’s first developer conference, and later announced that this problem had been resolved.

After the announcement, users experienced difficulties accessing ChatGPT’s API from time to time. Later, the company updated its statement and stated that there were access problems “due to an abnormal traffic pattern reflecting a DDoS attack.”. DDoS attacks At its core, it’s an attempt to crash the system by sending servers more requests than they can handle.


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OpenAI did not share further details about the nature of the attack. According to TechCrunch, the attack was Anonymous Sudan took over. Although the name of the group includes Sudan, according to researchers, this group operates with Russian support. Claude, the artificial intelligence of Anthropic, one of OpenAI’s competitors, was previously subjected to a similar attack. It is currently unknown whether there is a connection between the two attacks.

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