Number of Cars Per Capita in Turkey Announced

Journalist Erol Şahin showed the number of cars per 1,000 people city by city in the table he shared this morning. While Ankara ranks first in the table, interesting data emerged.

While automobile prices continue to increase in our country, one of the concrete results of this increase in traffic was presented to us in the past days. The sharing made by journalist Emre Özpeynirci states that the most common car model in traffic was discontinued about 20 years ago. Tofas Sahin is had shown. At the top of the list, Renault Toros was also in second place.

Erol Şahin, in his today’s share, again revealed a painful picture. By provinces Number of cars per 1,000 people The table, which was announced, showed that Ankara had the highest number of cars per capita in Turkey, while it was seen that Istanbul and Izmir could not enter the top 5 in the ranking.

Provinces with the highest number of cars per 1,000 people:

In the table prepared according to the provinces where the vehicles are registered Ankara, per 1,000 people with 280 cars was at the top. The second province following Ankara was Muğla with a large margin. per person in Muğla 218 cars reported to have fallen. The top 5 on the list were as follows:

  1. Ankara: 280 cars per 1,000 people
  2. Mugla: 218 cars per 1,000 people
  3. Antalya: 217 cars per 1,000 people
  4. Burdur: 208 cars per 1,000 people
  5. Denizli: 198 cars per 1,000 people

It was announced that the number of cars per capita in Istanbul, the metropolitan city of Turkey, is 195. While Istanbul ranked 7th on the list, İzmir ranked 9th with 187 cars per person.

Cities with the lowest number of cars per capita:


The province with the lowest number of cars per capita in Turkey was Hakkari, which has a population of 280 thousand and where only 2,156 cars were registered. in Hakkari 8 cars per 1,000 people was recorded. The top 5 of this list were as follows:

  1. Hakkari: 8
  2. Sirnak: 9
  3. Pain: 16
  4. Siirt: 20
  5. Mus: 22

On the other hand, according to another interesting data from the table, with a total population of 7.3 million, the total rate in 12 provinces with the lowest number of cars per capita, Not enough for Ankara with a population of 5.6 million.

When the number of cars per 1,000 people is converted to the number of cars per 1,000 households in the 12 provinces at the end of the list, the situation is as follows:

  • Iğdır: 131
  • Diyarbakir: 136
  • Bingol: 107
  • Mardin: 134
  • Batman: 128
  • Van: 115
  • Bitlis: 102
  • Mus: 104
  • Siirt: 103
  • Pain: 80
  • Sirnak: 54
  • Hakkari: 43

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