North Korea Stole $1.7 Billion In Cryptocurrency Through Hack -Newsis

According to a report by Newsis Media Agency, North Korea has stolen $1.7 billion from crypto transactions through hackers.

According to the published report, North Korea, its neighbor South Korea it is about to included too America, India crypto transactions in countries such as 1.7 billion stole dollars. Due to the closed policy of North Korea, the fact that global trade companies stayed away from the country had bad results in the economy. For this reason, North Korea highly values ​​cryptocurrencies, some of which are obtained through legal means such as mining and some through hacking.

Rumor has it that some of the stolen money Nuclear weapons projects banned by the United Nations some of the “hodl“is being done.

According to a report by the US Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, the hacking operations serve not only the purpose of stealing money, but also the larger purpose of supporting Kim Jong, who currently holds the government.

In the report:

“North Korea has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from financial companies and crypto exchanges around the world with its hacks. This stolen money is likely to be used to fund government priorities such as nuclear weapons projects.”

There are explanations such as

The report also states that hackers target all types of users, including central and commercial banks, apart from crypto asset firms. Their methods include stealing state secrets, ransomware, and mining malware.

Headquartered in Washington, USA, founded in 1961, it is an institution that is famous for preparing annual reports globally. Atlantic CouncilJenny Jun, who served as a guest member on the cyber security side of the British newspaper The Sunhe told :

“Fighting against North Korea’s illegal activities is like a game of hitting the mole; If you are successful, instead of this government stopping illegal activities and turning to legal activities, to regime change will lead to it.”

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