New refurbishment regulations are putting real estate owners under pressure

A detached house near Berlin

Poorly insulated buildings and apartments in the EU are threatened with renovation – with far-reaching consequences.

(Photo: dpa)

Frankfurt It is no secret in the real estate industry that people in Brussels and Berlin are paying more attention to climate protection. But many private property owners underestimate the issue, experts warn. Because according to the current plans of the EU in the revision of the directive on the overall energy efficiency of buildings (EPBD), residential buildings must achieve at least energy efficiency class F by 2030 and class E by 2033.

If they don’t, there are consequences – which, however, is not yet known. In some countries, however, property owners are threatened with a rental ban. Whether it will come to that in Germany is uncertain. However, it is already clear that sooner or later energetic renovations will be demanded with increasing vehemence.

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