Writer-director Todd Philips, who also worked on the first Joker movie, shared two new frames from the movie Joker: Folie a Deux. In these frames, we see both the Joker and Harleen Quinzel, played by Lady Gaga.
Perhaps the most popular villain of the DC universe JokerHe got his own movie in 2019. The production, written and directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix, received full marks from both the audience and the critics. Phillips is the second Joker movie he has been working on for a long time. Joker: Folie a DeuxHe shared two new frames from .
Harleen has her eye on him.
In the first frame we see in the images, our main character is in cell E258. Arthur (Joker) We see. In the second frame, Lady Gaga as Harleen Quinzel is in the focus of the photo. In the second movie, which will take place in Arkham Asylum, Dr. Harleen Quinzel is under the influence of the Joker Harley Quinn We will see his transformation into character. Although the plot of the film has not been fully disclosed, we are expected to watch the relationship of the duo, which is full of cruelty.
Although the first movie was a psychological drama, in this movie Phillips is preparing to make a movie in the musical genre. In addition, this film will continue to be independent from both the previous DCEU cinematic universe and the new DC cinematic universe to be shaped by James Gunn. Phillips, DC Black He also suggested using a label with independent DC films under the title.
In the cast of the movie Zazie BeetzWe know we will see Sophie Dumond in the role. Other names in the cast will include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Jacob Lofland and Harry Lawtey, but their roles have not been determined yet.
in French “double madnessFoil a Deux, which has a meaning similar to ” On October 4, 2024 will be in the vision.
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