New leak about Resident Evil 9 has emerged!

According to a notable leaker named Dusk Golem, Capcom has improved the open-world experiences in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and is looking to use existing improvements and advanced technology in the RE Engine throughout the development of Monster Hunter Wild and Resident Evil 9.

It is said that Resident Evil 9 will be developed as an open world

Dusk Golem said on Twitter: “I’ll give you some information. Capcom often announces three new games around the same time. For example, RE 7, RE 2 Remake, and DMCV were all announced fairly recently to take advantage of the new RE Engines, and the idea of ​​remaking RE:2 led them to attempt to remake RE:3 and RE:4 as well. “It stung.”

“Dragon’s Dogma 2 expanded RE Engine functionality for open-world games, with two other games built on this technology being Monster Hunter Wild and Resident Evil 9.”

Officially, Capcom has not confirmed that Resident Evil 9 is in development, but Monster Hunter Wild has been announced for December 2023. If these games are built on the RE Engine, on which Dragon’s Dogma 2 was built, it is very likely that Resident Evil 9 will also be open world.

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