Nasus CT in LoL, Abilities, Strengths And Weaknesses

Nasus, one of the characters of League of Legends at the divine level according to the story, is one of the oldest characters of the game with the “load accumulation” option, which we do not see very often.

Although it has a very cliché design at first glance, it has load strain most of the late stages thanks to the option trouble He can become one of his characters. Especially when he is weak in the early stage and gets stronger later, this situation of being “trouble” makes it more realistic.

In terms of meta although it can’t find a big place Nasus, who became very dangerous at the hands of a good player, lost his early stage miscarriage. if he can get throughWith the loads he has accumulated, he is ready and ready to dominate the game from the middle stage.

Nasus CTs: Strong opponents against Nasus

  • kennen
  • Teemo
  • Vayne
  • trundle
  • Warwick

The biggest challenge for Nasus is definitely range, although the character has the ability to burn out his opponents, characters that can keep their range especially in the early stages, it is very troublesome. Besides, like long-term characters that can enter battles, lifesteal, etc. They can outdo the scenarios.

All the abilities of Nasus, which can also age a champion:

All of Nasus' abilities

  • Passive / Spirit Eater: Nasus drains his opponent’s soul energy, gaining bonus lifesteal
  • Q / Exploit Strike: Nasus strikes his opponent, dealing damage and increasing the power of his next Exploit Hits if the target dies.
  • W / Decay: Nasus ages an enemy champion, reducing the target’s movement and attack speed over time
  • E / Spirit Fire: Nasus sends Spirit Fire to an area, dealing damage to enemies in the area and lowering their Armor.
  • R / Fury of the Sands: Nasus unleashes a powerful sandstorm that crushes nearby enemies. As the storm rages, Nasus gains bonus health and attack range, dealing damage to nearby enemies, gaining a reduced cooldown of Drain Strike, and gaining both bonus armor and magic resist.

Strengths and weaknesses of Nasus, Lord of the Sands:

Nasus strengths and weaknesses

Powerful features of Nasus:

  • Being able to speak his power from the middle phase of the game
  • There is a limit to the damage potential
  • Ability to play independently of the team

The real potential of Nasus Charges with his Q ability arises as a result. Since the character’s base damage potential is based on his Q ability, the charges you start to accumulate in the early phase of the game from the middle stage is starting to bear fruit. That’s when your explosive power will be unleashed, especially since your goal is to play late in the game.

Nasus weak features:

  • Being very weak in lane at early stage
  • Being very weak against Haras
  • Disadvantaged against ranged characters

Since stacking builds up the character’s base power potential, it’s early on. the absence of these burdens It puts the character in a lot of trouble. Especially low potential in the early stage and Weak against ranged characters it can make the lane phase quite difficult. Although the character manages to get stronger from the middle stages of the game, this strengthening will not be of much use if Nasus’s weight loss can be prevented.

How to play Nasus in LoL? Gameplay tips:

Tips for playing Nasus

  • Nasus is a weak character in the early stages so it’s good to play defensively.
  • Throwing a final hit on minions with the Q ability is the character’s main empowerment method. That’s why you need to use his Q skill carefully and not miss any minions.
  • Nasus is a character that starts to get stronger from the middle stage. So while it’s important to kill opponents, it’s more important to load up on minions.

Nasus is a character based entirely on accumulating loads. killing opponents important completely at an early stage focus on accumulating It will be a movement that bears fruit in the late stages. Of course, it’s also useful to kill minions carefully. That’s why you need to have a safe early stage, collect as much as possible and show your strength in the late game.

How to play against Nasus, how to beat Nasus?

How to play against Nasus?

  • Although Nasus is weak in the early phase, he starts to get stronger from the middle phase, so you need to prevent his stacking as much as you can.
  • Even though Nasus is weak for a while, he can instantly turn the battles upside down after getting items. That’s why you need to play cautiously
  • Playing with range is one of the best plays against Nasus. As long as you can keep your range you will be strong against Nasus

Nasus is a character that gets stronger from the middle stage. So stay in the top lane as best you can. prevent you from gaining a load needs. Especially the characters who can fight using their range make it easier for Nasus to drop from the game as well as prevent him from stacking up. Preventing Nasus from accumulating charges would be the best way to lower the character’s functionality. Especially if you manage to prevent it until the middle stages, you have a high probability of winning even before the late stages of the game.

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