NASA’s Lunar Flashlight Mission Failed!

Lunar Flashlight, which was launched to the Moon at the end of 2022, unfortunately could not fully fulfill its mission. The cube satellite could not provide the energy to enter lunar orbit. NASA announced that although the mission failed, it made significant gains.

Towards the end of last year, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made an important move regarding the Moon. The institution will go to the Moon on December 11, 2022.Lunar FlashlightThe purpose of this spacecraft, which is only the size of a briefcase, was to search for ice in the South Pole of the Moon. they couldn’t reach they announced. The Lunar Flashlight mission is officially over.

Lunar Flashlight, cube satellite It was a small spacecraft. In other words, all the technologies he had were miniaturized. That’s it for the Lunar Flashlight to reach the Moon. fell short. In the statement made by NASA, it was stated that the propulsion system of the spacecraft was insufficient to enter lunar orbit.

Still, significant gains have been made!

Although the desired task could not be fulfilled with Lunar Flashlight, significant gains were achieved from this task. Above all else; With this spacecraft, the so-called “Sphinx” flight computer, used for the first time. Designed in accordance with space conditions, this computer has proven that it can be used in the depths of space. Also Lunar Flashlight, precise navigation data It had a special system that allowed vehicles in space to land on top of each other. This system has also been successfully tested with Lunar Flashlight.


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Not only these. Lunar Flashlight’s four laser reflectometers to search for ice on the Moon, even with studies has proven to be reliable. So if scientists were able to put the Lunar Flashlight into lunar orbit, they would definitively tell if there was ice.

So what happened on the trip to the moon? Couldn’t NASA predict that the power would be insufficient?

Lunar Flashlight

According to calculations made by NASA, it was very possible for this spacecraft to reach the Moon. But somehow, according to NASA, fuel lines clogged and this reduced the performance of the Lunar Flashlight’s propulsion system. As a natural consequence of this, there is an energy gain that will enable the spacecraft to reach the Moon. could not be reached.

Lunar Flashlight returns to Earth!

Although the mission failed, NASA did not abandon the spacecraft to its fate. Scientists doing re-route calculations come to earth they provided. In fact, according to estimates, this spacecraft will enter Earth orbit later in the day. NASA will send the Lunar Flashlight towards the Sun after the examinations to be made. Let’s see if the second mission of Lunar Flashlight will be successful…


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