NASA is worried: It may fall on people!

Space agency NASA is working on a mission that’s even more challenging than it seems. The Agency’s Aviation and Space Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) made a frightening speech at a meeting. In this speech, NASA stated that they are afraid of the danger of the station falling on people if it makes an uncontrolled entry into the atmosphere.

$1 billion may be needed for the space tug method!

NASA, International Space Station (ISS) facing the issue of safe decommissioning. ISP initially 15 years of life Designed for. But the station exceeded all expectations for 24 years is in orbit.

The space agency thinks that the station will now pose a danger to the Earth and will deviate from orbit uncontrollably. He is determined to take many precautions for this. Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP)made an emphasis in his recently published statement.

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In this emphasis, he emphasized the importance of removing the ISS from orbit in a way that does not endanger human life on earth. NASA is investigating many methods to achieve this. One of them is “space tug” is happening.

Applying the space tug method also has some challenges. Although it is an accurate and safe method, it is also a very costly method. Therefore, there needs to be additional funding outside NASA’s space budget for the space tug method.

NASA is worried It could fall on people!

Regarding the issue, NASA’s plan is to use the space tug to direct the ISS into the atmosphere. Here, the station will burn up during re-entry and crash into a remote area of ​​the ocean known as Point Nemo. To do this method, the space agency $180 million separated. However, the total cost of the plan in question may reach 1 billion dollars.

So, what do you think about the NASA fall hazard situation? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section!

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