Mother’s Side Supports Her Granddaughter More

A new study conducted in Finland revealed that elders on the maternal side are more supportive of their grandchildren. According to the research, the support given by the father decreased in a negative situation in the family or about the child.

Earlier, we shared with you a study that answered the question of the century. The answer to the question of whether grandmothers loved their grandchildren or their own children more, was indeed their grandchildren, as was accepted by the public. If it’s a new research, mother’s side or father’s side found an answer to the question that he was more interested in his grandchildren.

Research carried out by the University of Turku in Finland found that elders on either the maternal or paternal side would contribute more to a grandchild’s life under difficult circumstances. did not support the assumption. The research explored the negative experiences of the father’s side, grandchildren and their families, such as child care and financial support. that they can reduce aid showed.

Support from the mother’s side remains the same:

According to research published in Proceedings of the Royal B: Biological Sciences, as the negative experiences of the grandchild and his family increase, the elders of the paternal side lack of support observed. if on mother’s side support remains the same observed. The negative experiences mentioned also included problems such as the child’s family’s economic struggles, parental divorce, or substance abuse.


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In addition to this result, which emerged from the survey conducted with people aged 11-16, researchers found that the support given by grandparents important to the child’s future. emphasized. However, it is not known exactly to what extent this situation affects the future of the child. It is stated that more research needs to be done to shed light on this issue.

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