More Advanced Version of RTX Coming! Intel Announced

Intel Arcs produced by Intel for high performance gaming computers, which want to compete with Nvidia GeForce and AMD Radeon; You can get Path tracing, which is a higher version of RTX (Ray tracing) technology, which has become indispensable for players. So what does this technology promise compared to RTX?

It has become one of the well-known and established standards in the game world for years. ray tracing technology (Ray Tracing, RTX) ; It makes high-graphics games have more realistic lighting. This technology; today’s leading display processor unit manufacturing companies Nvidia And AMD is adopted by

Here, Intel has been working on it for many years to make a name for itself in this market. Intel Arc The series appeared in 2022 with GPUs. Intel Arc’s, which is still a young product range compared to its competitors, may be the first owners of a technology that is as much sought after as ray tracing technology in the coming years.

Path Tracing technology, which has only been used in special production equipment until today, is not only about lighting; It is also very effective in shading, depth, reflecting rays.

The RTX result image in the middle of the above image shows what you might encounter in today’s mainstream gaming PCs, the far right one when the price RTX feature is turned off. On the far left, all textures are successfully processed not only in terms of rays but also in terms of reflections. With Path Tracing supported hardware can be obtained. The differences are like mountains.

NOTE: Path tracing technology; currently available in Nvidia Geforce RTC 40 series graphics cards. Ancan Intel plans to bring this technology to its hardware with real-time neural processing.

What is Path Tracing?

what is path racing

  • soft shading
  • depth of field
  • motion blur
  • Flashing and dispersion of rays
  • Geometric lighting (Ambient occlusion)
  • indirect lighting

Path Tracingis a new generation imaging technology in which the above visual elements are created by utilizing real-time neural processing technologies. However, this technology is not used in hardware that is widely sold today, because there is no hardware in mass production with the processing power it requires and the artificial neural networks it demands. It is a limited technology that is only specially prepared, adorning technology fairs from time to time, and used in various fields that require high graphic quality.

Intel’s research reports; By doing the neural processing in real time, it shows that Path Tracing can also be used on GPUs in everyday computers and even compact GPUs compatible with laptops:

intel arc

The research report, which you can access here, refers to the R&D phase for a technology that is still in the pilot phase. If its results can be applied to consumer electronics, gamers may not need to install expensive GPUs and gaming systems at very high costs. Also thanks to high speed internet connections Remote control of powerful hardware with Path Tracing support Thanks to the cloud gaming systems that will provide the best graphics quality, it may not be necessary to set up a ‘space base’ at home for ideal graphics quality.

With the contribution of real-time neural processing technology, Intel is to be the choice of next generation games and players; maybe it wants to own a slice of the next gaming rivalry pie in the console-PC world.

Path Tracing vs. Ray Tracing:


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