Moments When Turks Abroad Taught the World a Cooking Lesson

A tweet with the theme of “the test of the Americans with meatballs and spices” caused a deep conversation on Twitter. We have compiled these tweets about foreigners’ encounters with Turkish food for you.

Every nation has its own sources of pride, and we can say that food is an area that every nation prides itself on. However, some of the 195 countries around the world are one click ahead in terms of cuisine, and it would not be unfair to say that Turkish cuisine is one of these prominent cuisines.

People are not surprised by the culture of the region where they grew up as a native. A Turkish dish, which a Turk considers normal or even boring, may seem strange and delicious to a Scotsman. Another thing we can show as an example of this is the two-penny food Americans eat while watching the game. Being sold as ‘street food’ in expensive restaurants in Turkey it could be.

You wouldn’t find meatballs exotic either.

Today, he had a conversation about exactly this on Twitter. After a user recounted his memory of ‘meatballs’ with an American friend, people shared funny memories showing foreigners’ perspectives on upturned dishes in Turkey. Maybe something similar has happened to you. Let’s take a look!

Twitter user @lucyshoneypie shared her memory on Twitter, which humorously addresses prejudices about American tastes, food customs and cuisine. Americans find the meatballs ‘exotic’ besides, their foreignness towards spice also made the readers laugh. ‘Eating only frozen produce’ and finding rosemary interesting, although stereotypical thoughts, they were funny as in any nation, and more to come. Here is the acquaintance of foreigners with Turkish food…

Tweets reflecting the astonished look of foreigners on Turkish cuisine:

The tweet that started the conversation:

Turkish foods

Turkish foods

Turkish foods

Turks have found out how we can benefit from the water of the food

Turkish foods

The revolution I can’t eat eggs with sausage is not a revolution

Turkish foods

“The best shit I’ve witnessed since the 1789 revolution”

They call soda “hot water”.

Turkish foods

“Living in Turkey is not stressful at all”

Turkish foods

Turkish foods

Actually, you will open a vegan restaurant abroad and serve chickpea rice as if it is very interesting.

Turkish foods

What is the reason for this feast of taste?

Turkish foods

Turkish foods

Leveled up to wrap

Turkish foods

Turkish foods

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