Modification Enthusiast Dive into the Ocean with Tesla Model 3 [Video]

The moments when a driver dived into the water with his electric Tesla Model 3 attracted great attention on YouTube. Although the vehicle seems to be handling the situation well during the video, it is not known whether any problems were experienced afterwards.

A heart-wrenching Tesla user, colored red Model 3He went for an unusual ‘little’ ride by the beach. Wu Wa At first glance, everything seems pretty normal in a very short 30-second video shared on YouTube channel. Driver’s car halfway through the video to the depths of the water Things get a little weirder as it goes on. However, it seems that Tesla successfully copes with this difficult-sounding task.

Whether the owner of the channel where the video is shared is the person driving the vehicle. Unknown. Most of the videos on the Shanghai-based channel focus on drone footage shot at the Shanghai facility; for this reason, is the owner of the channel an employee or just a fancy person? Tesla lover It is not certain whether it is.

The person who shared the video could be a Tesla employee

Back to the video again: The Model 3 is almost as good in water as it is on land. comfortable seems to be moving; but unfortunately we can’t see what happened after the video or the final version of the vehicle.


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This water adventure of Model 3 looks very pleasant and pleasing to the eye; but you still – if any – set up your Tesla like this if you don’t immerse in water it would be fine. If the posting channel is managed by a Tesla employee, this will be used to save the video for the benefit of employers. ‘show’ It may mean that it may have been shared for the purpose. Even if this is not the case, we think that there is no need for such attractions for the health of both you and your vehicle.

Here is the video where Tesla dived into the water

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