Microsoft Accidentally Reveals Future Windows Design

While introducing a feature at the Ignite event that took place the other day, Microsoft accidentally showed the next design they planned for Windows 11. Let’s take a look at the details together.

With Windows 11, Microsoft has moved away from the classic and usual Windows design. Now everything is oval instead of angular and the taskbar is in the middle instead of sticking to the left. While some like it, someMac wannabe’ he said.

At the Ignite 2022 event, Microsoft unveils new features by mistake designed as a prototype also showed the new Windows 11. When you see Microsoft’s future designs for Windows 11, you no longer ‘this is Mac you will say.

MacOS-Windows synthesis: It actually doesn’t look bad

Windows Central – Zac Bowden

Attending the Ignite event Windows Central The author has prepared and shared a clearer version of the image, saying that the accidentally visible Windows 11 design prototype is blurred. It is clear from the design that Windows 11 will look a lot like MacOS in the future.

The reason why Microsoft turned to this kind of design approach is because facilitate use with touchscreen computers. The search bar at the top and the size of the icons on the taskbar are the biggest proof of this.

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Of course, it’s worth remembering: this is a prototype. In other words, there is no certainty that Microsoft will ever put it into effect. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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