Mercedes-Benz Adds ChatGPT Support To Its Cars!

Mercedes-Benz has announced that it has brought ChatGPT integration to some of its cars. ChatGPT, which is currently in beta and only available in vehicles in the USA, will reach Mercedes-Benz owners around the world in the future.

German automotive giant Mercedes-Benzhas taken a step that will change the balance in the sector. The company has integrated ChatGPT, the popular chat bot developed by Open AI, in more than 900,000 cars. With this integration, some Mercedes-Benz owners can use their vehicle’s voice assistant. Will be able to use ChatGPT.

According to the statements made by Mercedes-Benz, ChatGPT integration has been implemented as of today. in beta made available. The chat bot, which can only be used by Mercedes-Benz owners in the USA for now, will expand to many countries in the future. Meanwhile; Note that ChatGPT integration is an optional feature. Mercedes-Benz owners who don’t want it, artificial intelligence-assisted bot they can deactivate.

It will be activated with the command “Hey Mercedes”!

Consumers who want to activate ChatGPT, which can be experienced in vehicles using the multimedia system named “MBUX” by Mercedes-Benz, voice assistant will need to use it. Saying the company’s iconic “Hey Mercedes” command, the vehicle owner will indicate that he wants to be involved in the ChatGPT beta process. After this stage, ChatGPT integration wirelessly will be performed. The user will be able to chat with ChatGPT upon completion of the integration.


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Meanwhile; Thanks to the car owners of ChatGPT with the move on the Mercedes-Benz front can be trained You may have thought. However, such is not the case. The company said that it first anonymized all the voice command data it collected in its vehicles, and then “Mercedes-Benz Intelligent CloudHe says he has stored it in the database he named “.

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