Meet the World’s First Flying Skyscraper Project [Video]

An architecture company wants to build the world’s first flying skyscraper. If this plan comes true, the skyscraper, which will be named Analemma Tower, will orbit our planet, attached to a meteorite. Here are the details of this interesting project…

An architecture firm called Clouds Architecture Office rolled up its sleeves to build the world’s first flying skyscraper. “Analemma TowerThis skyscraper, which will be named “, is intended to be attached to a meteorite and suspended. If this plan comes true, Analemma Tower, world’s first flying skyscraper It will also be the tallest building in the world.

Analemma Tower will have a different structure than what we are used to. So much so that this skyscraper is a big enough to destroy our planet. will not be affected by the earthquake. Because the building will not be in contact with the ground. In fact, according to the officials of the architecture company, this skyscraper will be connected to a sky stone 50 thousand kilometers above the ground with ropes. The project for now phantom Let’s not go without saying that it is.

Analemma Tower will go around the world

According to plans by Clouds Architecture Office, Analemma Tower will orbit around our planet. like New York and Dubai in iconic locations The skyscraper that will be stopped will allow people to wander around the cities in question. However, since there is no contact with the ground, people in the building will need to use equipment such as a human-carrying drone or parachute.

Of course, there is also the issue of the natural conditions at that height. The company will custom size almost every window and do whatever is necessary so that the building can withstand elements such as pressure and temperature. What about the world’s first flying skyscraper or the meteorite that carries this skyscraper? if another asteroid hits what will happen? This question has no answer.

flying skyscraper

Although the project looks impressive, just like the meteorite impact not yet answered facing some problems. For example, no meteorite has been voluntarily caught so far. In addition, the idea of ​​directing the path that a meteorite will take is not possible for now. However, the company states that this is not a science fiction movie, with the work to be done, it will be possible to direct asteroids. that it is possible argues.

Analemma Tower

Let’s say everything went well and the Analemma Tower was attached to a meteorite. In this case, the building is completely able to self-manage will be potential. For example, electricity will be produced with solar panels. The water to be captured from clouds and rains will be used in a semi-closed system with recycling systems.

As a matter of fact, such a project will also be environmentally friendly. However, as we have just mentioned, in order for all of this to happen, there must first be a to the phase of managing the asteroid We have to pass.


Rocket Falling from Space, Caught in the Air by Helicopter! [Video]

An old video for Analemma Tower

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