Liquid Detection Feature Found in Macs

The latest macOS Sonoma 14.1 version also includes the liquid detection feature on Mac devices.

Although Apple has just introduced Apple Watches Although it shows the device under water in its advertisements, the warranty of the device does not cover damage caused by liquid contact. Therefore, before we talk about Macs, let us point out that you should be careful when entering water with these devices.

In order to prevent damage caused by liquid contact, Apple Watches have a mechanism that expels water, while iPhones and iPads also receive a warning stating that liquid has entered the device. New macOS Sonoma 14.1 A feature was found in the version that will detect liquid contact on Mac devices.

However, the purpose and way of working of the feature is different from the iPhone.

liquiddetectiondThis secret feature called ” can tell whether the computer has been exposed to liquid or not. To do this, it collects information about liquid contact from Type-C slots on Mac devices. Although the feature reaches and warns the user on the iPhone side, this is not the case on Macs.

Because “Liquid Detection and Corrosion Mitigation Service”, as the code indicates for analysis purposes placed. This means that a warning similar to the one on iPhones will not be shown to Mac users yet; Instead, Apple technicians guarantee It indicates that you can control it more easily.


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The liquid detection points in question have indicators that change color when exposed to liquid. However, it is not yet clear whether this is limited to Mac devices with M3 processors or will be available on every Mac running the latest version of macOS. In particular, such a feature on MacBooks It’s sure to be quite functional. Still, we kept looking for the liquid contact warning that was just a tiny step away.

Speaking of MacBook, let’s talk about the MacBook Pro with M3 processor for those who are interested.

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