Lightning Hits All Towers in Istanbul at the Same Time [Video]

Last night, an amateur photographer in Istanbul Ataşehir managed to capture a magnificent natural phenomenon with his phone. All of the high-rise buildings in Ataşehir were exposed to lightning at the same time.

As the month of January was close to the end, the cold weather in Turkey caused the education to be interrupted with the snow falling at 50 degrees. In the western provinces of Turkey, the cold weather, often with rain, negatively affected life. Eliminating all this negativity and gloomy atmosphere last night, an astonishing sight caught.

Çiğdem Kökcü, who is interested in photography as an amateur, was able to capture a very difficult moment with her phone in Istanbul Ataşehir. Kökcü while shooting with his phone Lightning struck all the towers rising to the sky in Ataşehir at the same time.. The frame obtained from the video spread quickly on social media and managed to collect thousands of likes.

The magnificent view taken by Çiğdem Kökcü:

Why does lightning strike tall buildings and structures?

The reason behind why lightning strikes tall buildings is actually very simple: The distance between the clouds and the tall building is closer than at other points. Between the positively charged structure and the negatively charged cloud layer due to the distance Lightning strikes mostly on tall buildings. Lightning rods at the top of the buildings are also very good conductors since they are made of metal and transmit the lightning to the ground without damaging the building.


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