LDO Continues to Rise as Lido DAO Evaluates 35M Ether Sales

While Lido DAO, the governing body of liquid staking protocol Lido, evaluates the sale of 35 million Ether in the environment of uncertainty prevailing in the crypto money industry, LDO continues to rise.

Steakhouse Financial, the financial unit of Lido DAO, presented its proposal on Feb. air of uncertainty and expected soon Shanghai locked with update Ethereums He stated that the treasury should take a position again in order to be released.

Among the four different offers offered, the most notable is the one in the DAO treasury. 35 million dollar worth 20.304 ETH is a sale of part or all or on the platform staking was offered.

While DAO stated that the staking service will make a significant contribution to meet the governance costs, it is also expected to arrive soon. Shanghai to update to be caught off guard to cover user assets in case of sufficient Ethereum to not be found opposite leery should be taken into account.

On the other hand, Steakhouse Finance, which presents the offer, states that the current monthly listings to Lido are averaged. 1000 stETH and the average of the DAO 1.3 to 1.5 million He said he earned dollars. The monthly operating expenses of this earnings average will meet Thinking Steakhouse, part of Ethereum to stablecoins by turning diversification part of the income securing may be a good measure for suggested.

According to Coinecko data, the latest in 30 days 30% LDO gained more than 8% after the offer was made. LDO at the time of writing $2.76 trading levels.

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