LAST MINUTE: Yemeksepeti Crashed, Unable to Access

Users who have been trying to access Yemeksepeti on a desktop or mobile application for a while encounter an error message. Yemeksepeti has not yet made a statement on the subject.

Yemeksepeti, which has been on the agenda with a major hacking event recently, has been hosting access problems since the past few minutes. Users who want to enter Yemeksepeti or Banabi, “Something went wrong. Please try again later.” they get the warning. On the other hand, the problem is not only experienced on the mobile side.

Users trying to access Yemeksepeti’s website, including the old Yemeksepeti logo, “There was a technical problem in the system, our technical team is dealing with it. We will solve the problem as soon as possible and get back to you. Thank you for your patience.” encounters a warning.

There is no statement from Yemeksepeti yet.

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