Kepler-1658b About to Crash into Its Own Sun

The planet named “Kepler-1658b”, detected by the Kepler Telescope in 2009, is approaching at great speed towards its orbiting star. The event caused by the increased energy of the star that has completed its life will result in the destruction of the planet. Kepler-1658b was a formalized planet after 10 years of work…

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) The telescope called Kepler, which he launched into space in 2009, discovered a planet shortly after it was placed in orbit. Experts spent 10 years trying to clarify the existence of this planet. Eventually the planet became official and “Kepler-1658b“. However, this planet’s lifespan was short-lived…

The first planet discovered by the Kepler Telescope 6 Was as big as Jupiter. Recent investigations have revealed a striking fact about Kepler-1658b. So much so that Kepler-1658b is approaching a star and its end is near. Announcing that the planet and the star will collide, scientists say that Kepler-1658b will collide as a result of this collision. will disappear they announced.

The distance between the planet and the star it is about to crash into is shorter than the distance between Mercury and Earth!

According to the investigations, Kepler-1658b is in a spiral orbit. is approaching the end. The orbital period of the planet, which completes its orbit once in 3.85 days, has recently started to decrease by 131 milliseconds on an annual basis. This is the distance between the planet and the star. is about to close means.


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This situation, observed for the first time in history, is actually quite normal. The star named Kepler 1658, which has reached the end of its life, is facing outward. started to expand and attracts objects around it. That’s when Kepler-1658b could no longer resist this expansion. The gravitational energy of the star is pulling the planet towards it with great speed, and the final end is now very near. Meanwhile; same situation one day will live in the sun let me specify. However, experts think that this will happen after billions of years.

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