James Webb Photographed the Rings and Moons of Uranus

The James Webb Space Telescope took a photo of Uranus. The image shared by NASA includes many important details, from the ice giant’s rings to its moons.

The James Webb Space Telescope, launched on December 25, 2021, has been bringing us dazzling photographs of space since the summer of 2022. Today, NASA introduced us to a new photo taken by the telescope.

The photo, shared just before the telescope’s second year, was taken from one of the largest planets in our solar system. Uranus Contains. The visual, which contains many details about the ice giant, is truly fascinating.

New photo of Uranus taken by James Webb:

Wavelengths that space travelers can never see with the naked eye are revealed thanks to the telescope’s infrared filters. Also from the image, Uranus’ innermost faint ring “Zetaincluding to the rings We can also take a look. Let us note that the planet has 13 rings in total.

The telescope shows Uranus in this image that makes the planet look like a door to another universe. their satellites It also shows us. According to NASA’s statement, the photo shows 27 satellites of the planet. 14 of them were caught. These include the largest moon Titania and the smallest Moon Miranda. We can even see some small moons inside the rings.

The new image is the second image of Uranus taken by James Webb this year. The new photo offers more detail and a colorful image compared to the image in April, which you can see in our content below. Previously, we only saw it in blue and orange. Details such as the planet’s interesting atmospheric features, bright storms, and seasonal polar cloud cover can also be seen. NASA shared the photo in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).


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