It Turns Out That Junk Food Can Cause Brain Damage

A new study has reached striking findings about the effect of eating fast food and junk food on the brain. It has been observed that consuming such foods at an early age causes permanent memory problems in the future.

Fast food or junk food It is a well-known fact that such dishes are more harmful to human health than beneficial. These types of meals can cause problems throughout our body. The brain is one of them.

A new study published on Brain, Behavior and Immunity reveals striking results about the damage to the brain caused by eating habits high in fat and sugar.

Causes permanent memory problems

In the study, researchers conducted experiments on mice. The animals were fed a high-fat and sugar diet from a young age. The results show that consuming this type of food will causes permanent memory impairment was seen. In memory tests, mice fed a junk food diet when young were unable to recognize things they had seen before compared to those that were not fed. In others, such a situation did not occur. Even when the group returned to a healthy diet, memory problems persisted. This revealed that problems also occur at later ages.

The reason is that the sugars and saturated fats used contain “an important neurotransmitter related to memory in the brains of animals and humans.”acetylcholineIt was to break the. Neuroscientist Scott Kanoski from the University of Southern California in the USA also says that most recent research supports this: ““Not only in this article, but also in some of our recent studies, it has been shown that raising mice on a junk food diet causes persistent memory impairment.”

Study supports previous research on the impact of consuming junk food and fast food on the brain

The study supports previous research. These studies show that a diet based on unhealthy processed foods affects people Alzheimer’s disease in later life It was found to increase the risk. Let us note that it is known that a decrease in acetylcholine in the brain causes Alzheimer’s. Many other studies have also found that the brain can reduce appetite control, ultimately leading to obesity.


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Scientists, junk food style with new research long-term impact on young people they wanted to see. The common finding of all these studies is that it can often cause memory problems even when eaten occasionally. The fact that this type of food is common in many countries, including Türkiye, reveals the danger of the situation.

In their previous studies, researchers also observed that there were differences in gender. Those fed with such foods during early adolescence male mice, It turned out that he had more problems than females. The findings, of course, do not necessarily mean that such results will occur in humans. However, it supports other studies and reveals that junk food and fast food, which are consumed by millions of people every day, may have negative effects on the brain that are difficult to reverse.


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