It turns into a shelter in case of an earthquake! School desk with earthquake shelter

2023 has been a year full of unexpected events. Natural disasters such as pandemics, forest fires and earthquakes have increased the importance of being prepared. Therefore, the school desk has become a shelter designed to protect children in schools. “Life Triangle Desk” (Desk with earthquake shelter)stands out as a remarkable innovation. Here are its features…

Features and usage of Earthquake Sheltered Row

Life Triangle DeskThis school desk called ” looks and functions like a regular writing desk, but has a triangular shape that is safe in case of earthquakes or tremors. shelter It turns into . Since triangles have a naturally stable structure, this table protects children from large falling objects and deflects them.

The surface of the table is unlocked by lifting it, thus creating a triangular area under the table. It is also important for rescue teams to know to check under these tables to find victims and survivors.

An earthquake felt in Istanbul!  Notification sent to Android phones

An earthquake felt in Istanbul! Notification sent to Android phones

According to the statement made by AFAD, a 4.7 magnitude earthquake occurred in Çanakkale. Here are the details…

This school desk also Golden Pin Design Award He also won the award. Developed by designers Rui Sun, Wen Zhang, Guan-Chen Zhang, Er-Xuan Liu and Yu-Chao Li, this table offers an innovative solution to ensure the safety of children in schools. The design has remarkable features both functionally and aesthetically.

It will add security to educational environments

This innovative school desk shows how security measures can be made more innovative and effective in educational environments. Designed for emergencies, this type of furniture aims to transform the security approach of educational institutions.

The design of this earthquake shelter row is an indicator of how the understanding of safety in schools may change in the future. This transformation of school desks will significantly affect educational institutions’ emergency preparedness approaches.

This desk redefines the concept of safety and preparedness in schools, increasing the physical safety of students as well as It can also support them psychologically.

So, in your opinion, what steps can be taken to determine how such designs should be supported and encouraged by school administrations? How can innovative solutions such as earthquake shelter benches transform schools’ understanding of emergency preparedness? You can share your opinions below…

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