It Has Been Revealed How Much Money We Spend on TikTok

A new report has revealed a lot of important data, including spending on apps. Accordingly, in-app spending on TikTok exceeded 10 billion dollars, reaching a level that no platform has ever reached before.

The year 2023, which recently ended, was also very active for mobile applications. A new report shared by Data AI, which publishes market data, revealed how much money is spent on mobile applications.

The data touches on how much apps are downloaded and how much time is spent on apps, as well as money spent. The money spent on TikTok, today’s most popular application, reveals that a record has been broken.

Users spent $10 billion on TikTok

According to the report, TikTok reached a record level in in-app spending. Expenses in practice, exceeded 10 billion dollars. This is TikTok’s success in reaching this amount. first application (games not included) revealed.

The reason behind TikTok reaching the 10 billion dollar level is largely due to “tipIt happened with the ” system. This system allowed users to send money to certain content creators through a system called “tip”. A report last December showed that consumers spent $3.8 billion on TikTok in 2023. However, the 10 billion level was exceeded.

We spent more money, we started spending longer time on apps

Apart from this, the data shows that the amount of money spent in app stores in 2023 to 171 billion dollarsrevealed that it increased by 3% compared to the previous year. Advertising spending increased by 8% to 362 billion, making it larger than the economies of countries such as Colombia and Finland. As for downloads 257 billion download saved. This corresponds to a 1% increase at an annual rate. It also means that 489 thousand applications are downloaded per minute.

Users in applications 5 hours per day spent. Indonesia was the country spending the most time with 6 hours a day. Indonesia was followed by Thailand, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and Brazil. Total spent The hour is 5.1 trillion, that is, recorded as 14 billion hours per day. Both of these data showed a 6% increase compared to 2022. The money spent on non-game applications increased by 11%, reaching 64 billion. Social media platforms, especially TikTok, led this increase along with movie & TV series applications.

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