Irelia CTs, Strengths And Weaknesses, All Talents

Let’s take a look at our guide to LoL top laner champion Irelia’s CTs, strengths and weaknesses, and abilities.

Irelia, the dancer of knives who shined like a star during the occupation of Ionia by Noxus, persuaded her people to resist and embarrassed even the great people of the country who wanted peace. very strong character possible to say.

narrows Summoner’s Rift to other champions irelia In fact, it would be appropriate to say that it is in a somewhat ridiculous situation right now. Irelia with a very unnecessary lifesteal can win games even if you don’t know how to play right now. If you wish, let’s examine the detailed guide of this powerful character together.

All of Blade Dancer Irelia’s abilities:

Passive – Ionian Tenacity: When Irelia hits her opponent with an ability, she leaves a mark and gains an additional charge. When he reaches 4 stacks, he gains bonus attack speed and attack damage.

Q – Flyblade: Irelia dashes to her opponent, healing and dealing damage. This ability can be used again without waiting if the opponent is marked or killed with a Q.

W – Resistance Dance: When pressed, Irelia gains a shield that deals damage and protects herself in a straight line.

E – Deadly Harmony: Irelia stuns and charges her enemies in a straight line with her double-use blades.

R – Sharp Prison: Irelia launches a wave of blades that slows, deals damage, and charges her enemies.

Irelia’s strengths and weaknesses:


Irelia is a very strong 1v1 champion. Thanks to his passive, he can win lanes against almost any champion and can get out with 2 points in raids. By fine-tuning the minions, he can quickly increase his Q to 4 stacks and destroy them without items in the early game.


It falls without being able to do anything when swooped on it. Crowd-control disables Irelia, as she’s nothing when she can’t pack up. You’re also very unlikely to score on Irelia when you dodge her ultimate.

Irelia’s CTs:


Wukong is a champion who passively gains armor. Especially at level 1, a Wukong who hits Irelia with her E ability from the bush and beats her can give Irelia an entire game. Jax, on the other hand, can block straight hits with his E ability, preventing Irelia from being able to steal life at full load. Of course, Tryndamere is able to even out Irelia’s burst damage and defeat her thanks to her ultimate that grants her 6 seconds of immortality.

Gameplay suggestions of Irelia, which not everyone can play but the one who does:


In the early game, Irelia is one of the rare champions that is strong. With Irelia, who quickly reaches 4 charges with her Q ability, with the minions’ health decreasing, it is very likely that you can score with straight hits by throwing your opponents. After level 6, Irelia’s chances of losing lane are very low.

In midgame you have to get out of the lane with Irelia and just split push. Irelia is very strong at this stage and has the potential to cut anyone who comes in her way.


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In the late game, Irelia can enter the battles after the tank as the second combatant in team battles and destroy the game.

Thus, we have come to the end of our content, where we list all the abilities, strengths, weaknesses, CTs and gameplay suggestions of LoL top laner champion Irelia. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

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