A diver in the USA found a fully working iPhone 12 at the bottom of the river. It was reported that the phone, which was covered in algae, survived even though it remained under water for 3 months.
The iPhone 12 series, introduced by Apple in 2020, was released with an IP68 durability rating. This means that the devices Water resistant to a maximum depth of 6 meters and up to 30 minutes It meant it was. However, a new incident in the USA showed that an iPhone 12 could survive by ignoring this limit.
The incident, first shared by AppleInsider, took place in the north of the US state of California. Speaking to the site, a diver named Lee said that he was at the bottom of the river in the region in November. in working order He said he discovered an iPhone 12.
iPhone 12 continued to work even though it remained under water for 3 months
Lee, who dived into the river Stanislaus to clean the river on November 10, An iPhone 12 covered in algae was discovered at the bottom of the water. The diver who cleaned the phone set it aside for a few days to dry. When he plugged the device into charge and checked it on November 16, he observed that it was fully working and was astonished.
The phone did not have a password. That’s why Lee was able to unlock it and access the latest photos and contacts. When you browse the Photos app, Lastly, with a video shot on the same river on September 4th. encountered. This is your phone It has been able to stay under water while working for more than 3 months. revealed. Lee stated that he still cannot find the owner of the device, but his search continues. No photos of the phone under water were shared. So, we cannot say that it is definitely true for the incident.
Apple designs iPhone 12 and newer models to be temporarily water resistant. However, there are some exceptions. The devices can remain under water for a long time thanks to the seals that prevent water ingress remaining intact. In previous years, iPhones that remained underwater for 10 months and 6 months and still worked were discovered.
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Although what happened is surprising and hopeful, it does not mean that every iPhone can be like this. Therefore, it is useful to be careful about contact with water. If you don’t want your iPhone to be damaged by water, you should avoid certain things. These include simple things like swimming with your phone, taking a bath, putting it in a sauna, exposing it to pressurized water and submerging it under water, and keeping it away from liquids such as soap, detergent, and acidic foods.
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