Interesting Facts About the Ant World

The world of ants, which live all over the world with thousands of different species and an incredible number of populations, and which we encounter wherever we look, is much different than we think. Let’s take a closer look at the extraordinary information, some of which you will hear for the first time, about the ants that we often do not see and step on.

There are countless creatures living in the world. Some of them are huge, some are tiny. Some are about to become extinct, while others even bury us. The ant is one of the creatures with an incredible population despite its small size. With many different types Ants that can live almost anywhere in the world they have much more interesting features than we think.

Of course, most of us do not know enough about the ant, a creature whose king we could crush if it came. We even try our best to destroy them when we see them in our house. But be sure When you learn some features of ants and when you take a closer look at the ant world, let alone crush them, you will want to sit and watch what they do for hours every time you see them.

Unusual information you will hear about the ant world for the first time:

  • Yes, the weight bearing myth is true.
  • Ants do not breathe as we know them.
  • Ants don’t have ears, but they somehow manage to hear.
  • There are many, many ants in the world.
  • Ants can reproduce without mating.
  • Ants are engaged in animal husbandry.
  • They have two stomachs with different functions.
  • Ants are great swimmers.
  • Slavery still exists in the ant world.
  • There were ants even before the dinosaurs.

Yes, the weight-bearing myth is true:

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to an ant is that it can carry hundreds of times its weight. This information is partially correct. An ant can easily lift 10, 50, and even 100 times its own weight. The reason ants are so powerful is because they are small. Unlike other animals, the small muscles of ants have a cross-sectional area. Therefore, their muscles are extremely strong.

Ants do not breathe as we know them:

Of course, ants, like all living things, cannot live without oxygen, that is, without breathing. However, interestingly they do not have a lung system because, as you can imagine, their tiny bodies do not have the necessary space for this system. Fine, but if you ask how they breathe, the answer lies in their unique systems. Spiral-like holes on the side of the ants’ body draw oxygen into the body and distribute it to all cells through a special network of tubes. The released carbon dioxide also comes out through the same holes.

Ants don’t have ears, but they somehow manage to hear:

If you have seen an ant in a close-up, you must have noticed that it has no ears. If they don’t have ears You might think ants are deaf, but that’s not true. Just like breathing systems, they have their own unique system for hearing. In one joint of ants, there is a structure called the subgenual organ. This structure allows the ants to perceive vibrations. Of course, this vibration means sound to them. Although it may seem like a simple system, it actually allows ants to hear wonderfully.

There are many, many ants in the world:

O humanity that thinks it has command of the world, where did you go and you didn’t see an ant there? Ants live everywhere you can think of, except Antarctica, the North Pole and a few islands. There are more than 10 thousand species of ants identified to date. The prevalence of ants is considered an evolutionary achievement. So how many ants are there in the world? Of course, it is impossible to know this number. According to some estimates, more than 20 quadrillion ants live on Earth. General estimates say that there are 1 million ants per person living on earth. Considering that the world population is more than 8 billion, you calculate the rest.

Ants can reproduce without mating:

Of course, most of the ant species reproduce with the mating and laying of an egg by a queen, just like in other insect species. However Amazon ants are not like that. In the examinations made on Amazon ants, it was seen that the queen reproduced asexually without any mating, that is, she cloned herself quite a lot. Moreover, all ants that reproduce by cloning are also female. The name Amazon already comes from here.

Ants are engaged in animal husbandry:

Admit it, there’s a little chill, right? But the information is absolutely correct. Ants raise animals just as we set up farms and raise animals. When some ant colonies were observed, it was seen that aphids were used for livestock purposes. Ants obtain honey dew from aphids by protecting them from other predators and natural conditions such as rain. So it’s like putting a lot of cows on a farm and milking them regularly.

They have two stomachs with different functions:

No, they do not have two stomachs because they are very voracious creatures or eat too much food. In fact, one of these stomachs does not even benefit the ant individually. In this system, known as trofallaxis, the ant’s first stomach is used to store its own food. In the second stomach, food to be taken out and shared with others is carried. In this way, when the ant goes out and finds food, it first feeds itself, and then collects the food to take to the queen and the others. So the second stomach is the bag we know.

Ants are great swimmers:

Not all, of course, but some species of ants are such successful swimmers that they can travel unbelievable distances. Ants swimming in a doggie-like style they can also stay underwater for a long time without oxygen. Moreover, some fire ants can make sandalwood using leaves. Of course, they don’t do it for fun. Because ants are the world’s most successful masters of survival, they have evolved to continue to exist in all conditions.

Slavery still exists in the ant world:

Of course, let’s not be unfair to the whole ant world, maybe others have democracy, but a species called Polyergus lucidus lives a very barbaric life. A colony of ants of this species He attacks and destroys the opposite colony and takes the rest as prisoners. These captives are either parasitized or voluntarily used as slaves. Enslaved ants work for this colony all their lives as if it were their own colony.

Even before dinosaurs there were ants:

We’ve known ants have been around for many years, but we learned the exact history in a study by Harvard University and the University of Florida. According to the study, ants about 130 million years ago They arose in the period called the Cretaceous. Even more interestingly, they managed to survive even the most terrible disasters of the era, such as the ice age, and have survived to the present day.

It has survived all over the world for millions of years. We talked about unusual information about ants, some of which you have heard for the first time. Let us remind you that although rare, some ant species are poisonous and you should not get too close.

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