Interesting Facts About Magpie – Webtekno

Although they attract attention with their resemblance to crows, magpies, which are actually a completely different bird species, are smart enough to recognize themselves in the mirror and even imitate human voices. Let’s take a closer look at interesting information about magpies, some of which you will hear for the first time.

When many people think of a magpie, we say ‘that bird that looks like a crow’ because many people do not have a picture in their minds, but in fact these are two completely different bird species. It occurs in different parts of the world with dozens of different species. Magpies actually have characteristics that vary depending on the region where they develop. Some of them have even found a place in the folk tales of the regions where they are located over time.

The most important reason why magpies are so special is that they are very intelligent. In addition to recognizing himself when he sees himself in the mirror It can even chat with you by imitating human voices. The fact that they damage the products in gardens and fields, especially during the harvest period, makes them unpopular in rural areas. Let’s take a closer look at the interesting features of magpie birds.

Information about magpie birds:

  • Magpies and crows are not the same, but they are considered cousins.
  • A magpie is smart enough to recognize itself in the mirror.
  • Take the magpie and chat with him.
  • Sometimes they can act like kamikaze.
  • It is not known whether they hold a grudge, but they will never forget you.
  • The magpie’s lifespan is quite long.
  • Each species of magpie has a unique appearance.
  • Their sense of hearing is astonishing.
  • Shiny objects are their worst nightmares.

Magpies and crows are not the same, but they are cousins:

When you see magpies, the first bird that comes to your mind is a crow because they are very similar to each other, even if they do not have colors. But as we mentioned in the introduction, these are not the same species. However, they are not too far away because all are members of the bird family Corvidae. In addition to crow and magpie in this family; Birds such as ravens, jackdaws, jays, woodpeckers and nutcrackers are also found. The Corvidae family is the most intelligent bird family known.

A magpie is smart enough to recognize itself in the mirror:

Although self-recognition in the mirror is something we commonly see in some mammals, it is not common in birds. The researchers painted magpies’ necks with a different color and placed them in front of a mirror. The magpie immediately noticed the different color on his neck and started scratching there. In other words, he recognized himself, saw the difference and intervened. It kind of reacted like we do when we look in the mirror and see a rash on our face.

Take the magpie and chat:


Of course, don’t think of this as parrots or budgies imitating human voices word for word, but magpies spending time with humans After a while, it seems that they actually make sounds similar to human voices. It is thought that they did this to somehow fit in, but the reason is still unclear. Some people who keep pet magpies take it a step further and say they actually chat with these birds.

When we look at magpies living in flocks in nature, we see that this situation is actually normal. Because Herd members make sounds in many different tones to communicate. If a magpie living with humans sees them as members of its flock, it is possible to make sounds to communicate with them. However, if you hear mating sounds, move away a bit.

Sometimes they can act like kamikaze:

Of course, when they see a danger, they do not throw themselves directly into it and make a death flight, but they use a technique called bombing. Some species of magpies will warn when they see humans or possible danger. They fly quickly towards the ground from a high position and in the process they make extremely disturbing sounds. Thus, they ensure that the dangerous thing gets scared and runs away. If you come across this kind of behavior, it would be better to move away for a while.

It is not known whether they hold a grudge, but they will never forget you:

There is a very common urban legend about crows holding grudges, and it is somewhat true, but this has never been the case with magpies. Even though they don’t hold grudges, magpies are known to never forget a face they see. Because The visual part of their brain, which processes shape and color, is extremely powerful. Although it is not certain, it is also said that magpies have a memory that can remember the last four years. So even if they don’t hold a grudge, they will definitely remember you.

Magpie lifespan is quite long:

Magpies are born blind and featherless, just like many baby birds, but they are fed by their mothers for only a short period of two months. At 2 months old, the magpie begins to find its own food. The magpie lives with its family until it reaches sexual maturity, that is, 3 – 4 years old, then finds a mate and builds a nest for itself. Magpies live monogamously until death and can live in flocks of up to fifty members. Even though their average lifespan is 20 years, this period varies depending on the species and where they live.

Each magpie species has a unique appearance:


Magpies live in different species in Europe, Asia, North America, India, Tibet and similar regions. Among these genres The European magpie we also saw in Turkey It has black, white and bluish colors and has a long tail. But the characteristics of each species vary. Some known magpie species are:

  • european magpie
  • Black-billed magpie
  • yellow-billed magpie
  • Arabian magpie
  • magpie magpie
  • korean magpie
  • Taiwan blue magpie
  • Red-billed blue magpie
  • Blue magpie with yellow beak
  • White-winged magpie
  • Sri Lankan blue magpie
  • green magpie
  • Yellow-breasted magpie
  • Javanese green magpie
  • Bornean green magpie
  • Blue-winged magpie
  • iberian magpie

Their sense of hearing is astonishing:


If you think we can tell how well they actually hear from the richness of the sounds they produce and how they even imitate the human voice, wait, there is more. A magpie in its natural environment can even hear worms and maggot-like creatures moving underground. Our hunter makes a move as soon as he hears it, digs quickly and catches his prey. It also uses this unique sense of hearing to escape its natural predators.

Shiny objects are their worst nightmare:

There are some tentative stories of crows stealing shiny objects and taking them back to their nests, but this is not the case for magpies because they They are very afraid of shiny objects. You can see that many shiny objects are placed around by farmers, especially because they damage the crops in the gardens and fields. Magpie groups that see these bright objects will be disturbed and will not approach them.

One of the most intelligent bird species in the world We talked about interesting information about magpies, some of which you may have heard for the first time. We’re not sure about the not-holding-a-grudge thing, so best be nice to any magpies you see.

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