Instagram Started Kicking the Application Out of the Way

Instagram is hosting a problem that has been bothering many people with its latest iOS update. Users are kicked out of Instagram for no reason.

Applications and platforms that we use every day can host technical problems from time to time for various reasons. In the last day, one of these problems has been appearing on Instagram.

Some Instagram users began to express that they had problems logging into the platform. This problem, which is not yet widely seen, causes users to be kicked out of the application.

Complaints of Instagram users:





The problem is happening all over the world:

When we look at DownDetector, we can see that the problem is not limited to Turkey, but is experienced in many other countries. Instagram has not yet shared a statement on the subject.

The problem started happening after the last update:

The problem in question is only encountered by iOS users when we consider the shares made so far. The problem in the application It started happening after the last Instagram iOS update. is reported.

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