Inferiority Complex and Coping Methods

Do you constantly compare yourself to others and think that you are inferior, inadequate, worthless, both physically and mentally? There may be an inferiority complex behind this negative emotional state you experience all the time. What is inferiority complex and is it possible to deal with it? This article will answer all your questions.

Do you find yourself constantly trying to cope with feelings of inadequacy? According to experts, when you go deep into the feeling of inadequacy, inferiority complex a state of emotion called refers to both physical and mental disability Let’s examine the details of the inferiority complex together.

Alfred Adler, founder of the Individual Psychology school developed by The theory of “Individual Psychology” and Erik H. Erikson, known as the first psychologist to use the concept of “identity crisis”‘of “The 8 Stages of Human Development” theory Inferiority complex, which has gained its known meaning today by taking place in fed from real or imaginary sources of the individual; cause them to see themselves as physically or mentally inadequate, worthless and insignificant is the name given to the emotion. This feeling, which is constantly felt and whose effect is increasing day by day, makes the individual believe that he is inferior to other people around him by pushing him to make comparisons.

Feelings of inferiority and Alfred Adler’s theory of individual psychology

Alfred Adler’s theory of Individual Psychology, in which the feeling of inferiority serves as a cornerstone, individuals; In the first stage of life, he always compares himself with adult individuals and the feeling of inferiority is a natural result of all these comparisons. asserts. The effort to transform this feeling, which is formed in the first step, into a feeling of superiority, is seen in the flow of the individual’s life. an ordinary effortStop. Accordingly, life is spent turning negative emotion (feeling of inferiority) into positive emotion (sense of superiority).

Inferiority and Erik. H. Erikson’s theory of the 8 stages of human development

Erik H. Erikson

Erik H. Erikson, the source of inferiority 5-13 years emphasizes what should be sought in the range. According to Erikson, Individuals who have successfully completed their psychosocial development between the ages of 5-13; achieves a sense of competence as a result of this success. Individuals who have not been able to show this development will be equipped with feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, and prepare the basis of the emotional state that will constantly be experienced in the future..

The place of trust in the inferiority complex

Feeling of Confidence

Although the importance of trust is mostly tried to be explained through bilateral relations, especially in daily life, self-confidence of the individual is also of great importance. There is a direct proportion between the mental health of the individual and the self-confidence of the individual. The inferiority complex creates a lack of confidence in the individual.. Since this deficiency is one of the important factors that feeds the feeling of inadequacy, a serious decrease is observed in the quality of life of the individual.

Methods of dealing with inferiority complex

Dealing with Inferiority Complex

Experts with inferiority complex with professional help states that in addition to coping, it is also possible to cope with ourselves; But of course, it should not be forgotten that this is also a process. Expecting this process to be linear and fastmay feed the inferiority complex even more and lead to feeling inferior than before.

  • Find the roots of the mood you are experiencing: ‘‘Where is the origin of this complex?’ Perhaps this is the only question you should ask yourself, pursue from the very beginning. The answer to this question will help you discover the basis of your inferiority complex and help you manage the process in the most accurate way. Whether it’s an inferiority complex or something else; It’s not always easy to get to the root of something on one’s own. Convincing yourself to seek professional help can be a critical decision at this point. Do not hesitate to take this decision!
  • Increase your confidence with target person analysis: The person you constantly compare yourself to and believe to be superior to you can help you identify and work on the points you see lacking or insufficient in yourself.. Target person analysis will increase your sense of confidence and empower you in the fight against inferiority complex.

  • Think and talk positively about yourself: Negative feelings and thoughts brought about by the inferiority complex cause the person to push himself around, so to speak. This causes the person to find fault with himself, no matter what, and to always say bad words about himself. Thinking and speaking positively about ourselves is another factor that increases confidence.. The increased sense of trust also provides you with strength in the fight against negative emotions, thoughts, discourses and judgments..

  • A positive environment brings positive emotions: In this process, maybe the last thing you want is to be with negative people who bring you down even more. It will be much better for you to be with people who think positively, talk and reflect this around and enlighten everyone. These people will support you in starting to feel better by nurturing your positive aspects with their positive behaviors.
  • Be yourself and improve yourself: Taking inspiration from someone, taking someone as an example… These are of course harmless behaviors; but if you feel that you have gone beyond these and are now living the self of others, you must stop it immediately. When you stop following others and follow your own, it is inevitable to find yourself and accept yourself as you are.. Moreover, it would be more logical to manage your personal development in this direction. We can’t get the best out of the investment we make in ourselves while living like others, can we?

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