Including Turkey: 90 Percent of Central Banks Exploring Digital Currencies

The study by the Bank for International Settlements found that nine out of ten central banks worldwide digital central bank money (CBDC) It shows that he is conducting a study on the

According to the results released today by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), studies conducted by central banks 62 percent came from concept studies and experiments. is formed.

The proportion of central banks that have developed or piloted their own digital currency 26 percent.

These results are supported by the BIS. held in the fall of 2021 and including Turkey. in total eighty-one central banks based on a survey conducted.

Digital central bank coins represent some financial transactions that are done in the traditional way today. in terms of speed and cost can make it more efficient.

central banks the question of why they want to develop their own digital currency The answer is that the central bank a developed economy or is it a developing economy Depends on what you’re managing.

Central banks of developed economies improving domestic payment transactions, making these transactions more secure and ensure financial stability wants to develop digital currency for

On the other hand, central banks of developing countries are mainly financial participation in order to increase Researching digital currencies.

Another reason why digital central bank currencies are welcomed is that they are Improving international payment transactions have potential.

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