How to Make an Accurate Internet Speed ​​Test, Why is it Important?

Your speed is of great importance in the internet environment where we are in instant communication with the whole world. So, how to do internet speed test? Why is internet speed important?

In the internet age we live in, how well you can keep up with this age largely depends on your internet speed. with a slow internet your information consumption may be disrupted, your workflow may slow down.

Well, which lets you know the speed of your internet How to do ‘internet speed test’? How can you evaluate whether your internet is fast or slow? How to query the infrastructure that offers you internet connection? Why are all these values ​​important? Let’s give the answers to all these questions in the most explanatory way.

How to do internet speed test?

Many to query your internet speed ‘speedtest’ or ‘speedtest’ platform may appear. The most reliable results can be obtained from nPerf or Ookla’s Speedtest platform, which is used by many internet providers in our country.

To find out your internet speed, you can access the speed test tool by clicking the link.

Interpreting the results: Why are speed testing and ping testing important?

When the internet speed test is over, you will see many values. But the results that work for us and that we should really question are the results on the right. ‘Download’, ‘Upload’ and ‘Delay (ping)’ under the headings.

The higher your download and upload speed, the easier it is for you to access and use the internet. These values ​​are presented in ‘Mbps (megabits per second)’.

The lag result basically shows that your connection is that smooth. The lower this value, the faster each transaction you make on the Internet is transmitted to the other party. This ‘counter party’ means every website you visit or applications you open. servers is happening.

So speed test results and latency test, the quality of the relationship between you and the global internet network. is showing.

Let’s move on to other critical questions: What are the differences between 16 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps in download?

Internet speed

When you want to get an internet service, you may come across many Mbps values. The lower the Mbps value in the packages, the lower the price. So, is paying more for higher Mbps really worth doing?

Short answer: Yes, it does. Long answer: The faster your Mbps speed, the faster the process of getting data from the internet. With a 16 Mbps internet, videos in 4K resolution are loaded too slowly to be watched, while at 1,000 Mbps the loading speed is many times higher than your viewing speed. In other words, the video is actually downloaded while you are watching it.

  • Sample: The 1 hour 4K video has an average size of 20,480 MB (2 GB). Time required with 16 Mbps internet when you download to watch this video file 170 minutes; With 1,000 Mbps internet 2 seconds will be.

16 Mbps internet will be enough today just for surfing the internet, reading your e-mails and listening to music. However, with 1,000 Mbps, it can watch movies/series at very high resolutions, download high-size files (such as games) in a very short time; In short, you can use the internet to its fullest.

So, is upload speed as important as download speed?


If you use the internet mainly as a ‘consumer’, download speed will be the most important criterion for you. But upload speed also has a great importance in the internet environment. Because all the connections you make with the servers are on the device you use. local data is uploaded to servers instantly. So your upload speed affects how fast you send data to servers.

For example, if you are playing an online game, your position in the game, which button you press at which moment and the movements you make are instantly transmitted to the remote main server of the game. When your loading speed is insufficient, there may be a ‘delay due to loading time’, your actions in the game are not reflected correctly on other players.

But if you’re a publisher or content producer, upload speed is critical for you. Uploading videos/files to various platforms greatly affects the efficiency of your workflow. Especially in live broadcasts, your broadcast quality depends on this speed; If it is low, there may even be delays in broadcasts.

How to get the best internet connection? The answer depends on your infrastructure:

internet speed test

The only way to have the most ideal internet connection depends on the infrastructure of your home/workplace. Your download and upload speed and latency are only as high as your infrastructure allows.

So if you encounter an unexpected result in your internet speed test, the first thing you should do is internet infrastructure query should be. To query your internet infrastructure, you can click on the link we have provided.

Infrastructure query will provide you with the highest internet speed you can have at your home/office.

Well, who is the internet provider that offers the fastest internet in Turkey?

The fastest internet has long been compared to the independent internet query platforms Ookla Speedtest and nPerf. TurkNet appears as:


Firms Offering Highest and Lowest Internet Speeds in Turkey Announced

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