How to defend yourself if the property developer demands additional payment

Construction site

Builders’ budgets are often planned down to the last euro. All the more dramatic when companies suddenly demand thousands of euros more during construction.

(Photo: IMAGO/Rupert Oberhäuser)

Dusseldorf For many people, building a house is the largest financial investment in their lives. Most builders tackle this project together with a general contractor or property developer. The providers promise a turnkey property at a fixed price. A tempting offer, after all, financial planning is also important with regard to real estate financing.

But construction contracts with a fixed price guarantee can be more expensive than expected. To protect themselves from unexpected additional costs, builders should watch out for certain pitfalls.

“Many consumers see a fixed price guarantee in the construction contract and think it offers them all-round, worry-free security. “That is not the case,” warns Florian Becker, managing director of the Builders’ Protection Association. For about a year and a half, building owners have been receiving frequent requests for price adjustments from building contractors.

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