How to cancel a Yemeksepeti order?

During the two-year period that we stayed at home due to the global pandemic, package service applications came to the fore seriously. Undoubtedly, Yemeksepeti is at the forefront of these applications that bring the food you want to your door in a short time. The online food ordering platform, which has been successfully serving in 81 provinces of our country, was founded in 2001 by Nevzat Aydın, Melih Ödemiş, Gökhan Akan and Cem Nufusi.

With the effect of the pandemic period, Yemeksepeti has increased the number of users significantly, and as of 2021, it has managed to exceed the 20 million member threshold. In addition, the platform, which receives more than 650 thousand orders daily, stands out with its transparency in the order process. For example, a member can easily cancel his order for any reason. Alright Yemeksepeti order cancellation how to do We explained it in our article.

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What to do for Yemeksepeti order cancellation

To cancel an order from Yemeksepeti, members must have certain reasons. These are often caused by wrong ordering, order abandonment, and significantly exceeding the estimated delivery time.

Yemeksepeti order cancellation

In such cases, Yemeksepeti offers to its members. three different orders method available. Members, order confirmation page, live help and active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week support line You can easily forward your order cancellation requests to the platform. After a short time, the order cancellation process takes place.

Of course, the easiest among them is the right to cancel, which the platform automatically offers to its members in case of late order. In such a situation, orders can be canceled with a single button.

How does the cancellation process work?

First of all, you need to send your cancellation request to the platform using the methods we have given above. Then the platform forwards your request to the relevant restaurant. Your order is completely canceled in about 15-20 minutes.

Yemeksepeti order cancellation

Cancellation of orders that are planned to be paid in cash naturally does not pose any problem. However, there may be delays in online payments due to the implementation of some procedures. We can say that the same is true for gift codes.

Yemeksepeti immediately refunds the order amount if the cancellation request is accepted for online payments. However, the reflection of the order amount on the statement may take up to 3 days depending on the bank.

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